1. OpenGL Drivers
Drivers needed to use OpenGL |
Here I have gathered the OpenGL drivers, the OpenGL library files along with the OpenGL header and include files for compilers. The include files (.h) go into the include folder, and the library files (.lib) go into the library folder. Also the drivers (.dll) will go into your system folder (windows prior to 2000) or in your system32 folder (windows 2000 and greater). Note: If you are not using Windows Visual C++ 6 then you may have to link the opengl library files to your project manually. *Keep in mind, not all files here may be up to date, look for more recent version of glut, glew, glext and vbogl.* |
DLL Files / Drivers Include: glu32.dll, glut32.dll, glut.dll, opengl32.dll
Visual Basic Type Library vbogl.tlb
C++ Include Files Include: GLU.H, GL.H, GLAUX.H, GL/GL.H, GL/GLAUX.H, GL/glext.h, GL/GLU.H, GL/glu_.h, GL/glut.h
C++ Library Files Include: GLAUX.LIB, OPENGL32.LIB, glut32.lib, glu32.lib
All the Files in one Download (C++) Include: All files mentioned above |
Why i still face the same problems?
Cannot open include file: ‘GL/glaux.h’: No such file or directory.
i have install everything that needed same as tutorial..
I have glut32.dll but computer tells me that I have not it.
Can somebody help me please?
Hi Photon! I guess you should put it in the same folder than your application. You can as well put it in the System32 folder. This will only work if your computer says you don’t have it otherwise you would have a message error saying it is not the right glut32.dll (wrong version or so).
Thanks a lot
working charm
I downloaded the latest version of glaux.h and glaux.lib, but I can’t use function like ‘auxSolidSphere()’ using Borland C++ 5.5 Other opengl functions do work. Compiling with BCC32.Exe I get the following error mesage: “unresolved external ‘auxSolidSphere’ referenced from “c:\borland\bcc55\bin\triangles.obj” What’s the problem?
how can i solve this error @visual studio 2010 any help please?
MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
C:\Documents and Settings\mohamed\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\first\Debug\first.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Build log was saved at “file://c:\Documents and Settings\mohamed\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\first\first\Debug\BuildLog.htm”
first – 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========”
Hi Ahmed,
Try creating a Win32 Console Application instead of a Win32 Application.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks a lot.
I need this and couldn’t find anywhere
Indeed it is good to have these files together. But the driver library set is old [1.2]. What do we need to jump to OpenGL with Gl-aux functions, shading & rendering options which have been around for several years. Is there no one churning out a tlb for OpenGl 4.1?
I am interested in being in touch with anyone using VB with a high end openGl driver set
Hey Frankie,
The tlb was built for Visual Basic 6.0, and hasn’t been updated in many years. Theoretically you could write your own tlb wrapper for the current OpenGL drivers.
It is good to find the required files at one place.
hi – thanks a million
is this the latest vbogl.tlb? how do we know which version of opengl it supports? 1.2 or 3.0 or 4.0?
Hi frankie,
I’m not sure, it was the latest at the time, and last time I checked they had stopped developing it since. It supports (I believe) OpenGL 1.5 and even then I think it was missing methods.
Is it any individual’s or group’s responsibility to ensure the Vbogl.tlb library is current? How difficult is it fix it so that it’s upto speed with OpenGL 3.0 and later? Can you do it? or do you know anyone who can? It sad that it doesn’t have all the superb methods the ‘c’ blokes enjoy
Hi Frankie,
This is the page where you can get information on vbogl.tlb:
Good luck contacting the guy though, his main page says the site was put up in 1998 and it doesn’t look like anything has been done with it since.
Personally I wouldn’t bother, Visual Basic is too slow compared to C++ to interest most computer graphics programmers. This is why a lot of languages don’t have native support for OpenGL or Direct3D.
A type library is like a wrapper, which links visual basic calls to the native calls inside of a dll file (If I remember correctly). You can make them yourself, but it might take a little bit of work.
Thank you!
it’s not working for the Include: GLU.H, GL.H, GLAUX.H, GL/GL.H, GL/GLAUX.H, GL/glext.h, GL/GLU.H, GL/glu_.h, GL/glut.h files D: HELP
Hey Alvin,
I’ll take a look for you, in the meantime, try the zip folders if the other downloads won’t work..
Thank you!
thank you !
Thank you very much, please keep these files forever, because there has merely places could be found for downloadind!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!!
thanks so much!
Thank you very much, there really is all that is needed for the first time such a find!
please upload cv.h also
Hey Ankit,
That’s for OpenCV. You can get that from their website.
i can’t use your dll files!!!
wath are into??
Can you update the pack? What average versions (2010 or 2009) did you use for these many files?
Well there is some problem with your “dll files” zip file..
My rar is not opening it and telling that it is broken or bad file…
Plz check it and try to make it good…
Well really helpful thanks a lot…
Also i would like to have a game making library for c++ with examples(any)…
If u can provide plz help me..
I am really interested in c++ programming and have learnt a lot . Now i want to make games bur no site on th web is providing direct game examples along with the library to make them..
I had downloaed allegro from one site but that had 1000s of errors in it..What a mess!!
If u will help me i will be really thankful…
Thank you very much. Really needed the glaux files.
Drivers are not downloading. Please see this.
A great site for OpenGL.
thanks a lot 🙂
u could have put tat “all files in one download” link at the top of others…
Hey, just wanted to let you know that the OpenGL drivers are inaccessible. You might want to re-upload them.
Thanks, I’ll look into it.
thanks alot for your effort
You are awesome !! God bless you !
Hey! thanks a lot. it really helped 🙂
Thank you very…… very….much.
God Bless You !
You are help me.
thank you for such a great tutorials….
will be better if you give all files of a project in a zip ( can be included vs or dev c++ project)
Well all I can say is God Bless You ! You are helping whole coders mankind !
It’s helpful! Thank you very much!
Thank you very much.
Thanh you very…… very….much.
Thank you very much!!!
thank you very much
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve bben trying to get openGL running on win 7 for about a week now but until i came to your tutorial and lib abd include links I was stumped! Thanks so much!