1. GLSL Setup
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shader.h Source
shader.cpp Source
main.cpp Source
shader.vert Source
shader.frag Source
To start off the OpenGL Shader Language tutorials, I am going to take our basic
Smooth Rotation OpenGL tutorial and add to it. Now for those of you that didn’t
read about GLSL on the tutorials page, up the top, it will just give you a brief outline on what shaders can do as well as how it compares to DirectX, and I recommend taking a look.
If you don’t know anything about GLSL already, a shader program is made up of either a Vertex Shader and a Fragment Shader, or a Vertex Shader, Geometry Shader and Fragment Shader, which is supported on graphics cards from the Nvidia 8xxx cards onwards.
Here is a quick rundown on the different types of shader programs:
A Vertex Shader allows us to manipulate vertices, and gives us access to vertex normals, our lighting pipeline, object materials, and other functions.
A Fragment Shader allows us to manipulate the outputting pixels that we see on our screen, here we can create our effects such as bloom, lighting, texturing, fog, etc.
A Geometry Shader (which I will introduce in later tutorials), allows us to actually create and remove vertices as we see fit. This is great for dynamic level of detail, allows us to create ‘fuzzy’ polygons, explode shapes, and do a bunch of nifty effects.
I’d like to point out now, that this tutorial is aimed for OpenGL 2.0 and up, where GLSL is made a part of OpenGL. All prior versions will need to use ARB extensions.
Shader.H File: Being our first GLSL tutorial, this might be a little long as there is a bit to setting up your first application. It’s not really complicated, and the final code is quite short, but because there is such a range of things to do, this page is going to be a bit long. Having used Java quite a bit recently thanks to my University, I am growing a fondness for Object Oriented programming. This tutorial is going to take an Object Oriented style approach at GLSL shaders, and we will end up with a class that we can reuse each time we want to create a shader program. To start off with our class declaration, open up a new C++ header file called "shader.h". In this we want to start off with a new class, so type something along the lines of:
This will be a nice clean skeleton on which we are going to add everything. You may notice the extra long code for our header files which includes an if statement. This code is explained on the new OpenGL Tips page, in short, it means you can compile on Mac as well. Now, we want to add a few methods to the public: section of our class. We will give whoever uses this class the ability to create a shader using the constructor, or by using an init method. Both of which will take the file names for the vertex and fragment shader. So we need to add the lines: Shader(const char *vsFile, const char *fsFile); Ok, so we now know how to create our shaders. But what about using them? Well all we need are three methods, bind and unbind to enable and disable our shader, and id to get the number associated with our shader, so that we can pass variable through to the shader: void bind(); Nice, now all that is left is to do is to create three private variables. One for our shader program, one for our fragment shader and a final one for our vertex shader. I will be calling them: unsigned int shader_id; When we put all of this into shader.h, we get the following file, which is quite simple and does all that we need.
Shader.CPP File: Now lets move onto our shader.cpp file. This is where we are going to fill all of our methods outlined above, and introduce a new method. So lets start from the beginning, with our constructors: Shader::Shader() { Shader::Shader(const char *vsFile, const char *fsFile) { Phew, now that that’s out of the way.. Lets move onto our init method. The first two lines we are going to add, are going to tell OpenGL to create a vertex shader and a fragment shader, and assign the id’s of these to our shader_vp and shader_fp variables. shader_vp = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); const char* vsText = textFileRead(vsFile); if (vsText == NULL || fsText == NULL) { The next two lines pass our shader file contents to OpenGL to attach it to our shaders. This next two lines, tells OpenGL to compile our shaders, which we have already bound the source code to. shader_id = glCreateProgram(); So now we can read in a shader file and compile it as a shader program. So lets take a look at the methods which allow us to use this: This first method, id(), will return the shader_id program. This is used for when we bind our shader, or for when we want to pass variables through to our shader. This second method, bind(), will simply attach our shader, and anything drawn afterwards will use this shader, either until this shader is unbound or another shader is enabled. The third of our usage methods, is unbind(), this simply binds the shader 0, which is reserved for OpenGL, and will disable our current shader. So whats left now? We can create our shader, and we can use our shader. So why don’t we clean up our shader when we are done? I will be doing this from within the destructor method for our shader, and this should only be called once at the end of our application, otherwise we will have to recreate our shader, which is an expensive process. Our desctructor is made up of only 5 method calls to OpenGL. The first two, just detach our vertex shader and fragment shader from our shader project, and the final 3 just delete all of the shaders and then deletes the shader program. glDetachShader(shader_id, shader_fp); And that’s all there is to creating a shader program. It’s not that tricky, and it all makes sense when sit back and think about what it is doing. Now lets take a look at the main.cpp file below for this project.
Main.CPP File: As most of the main.cpp file is based on the double buffered window tutorial, I am only going to explain the lines that are related to GLSL and implementing our new class. The first thing we are going to do here, is include our header file: #include “shader.h” Now that we have access to our shader class, we need to declare a Shader object. I am going to call it shader for lack of a better word in this tutorial: Shader shader; Now before we can do anything with our shaders, we need to call glewInit(), this sets up GLEW so that we can use the extensions required to use shaders. This code will go below our glutCreateWindow call in our main method: glewInit(); Simple enough so far. Now we want to initialize our shader. Inside our void init(void) method, add the following line: shader.init(“shader.vert”, “shader.frag”); For this tutorial, our shader programs are going to be called shader.vert and shader.frag and will be located in the same directory as the the compiled application. All that is left now is to use the shader. In our display method, we want the shader to be applied to our cube, so before we draw the cube we want to bind our shader, and afterwards we want to unbind it: shader.bind();
Vertex Shader Source: This is pretty much the most basic of vertex shaders. Vertex shaders Anyway, this shader, just like all other GLSL shaders, has a main Inside our main function, I am setting the position of the vertices The variable gl_Position, is used to set the position of the current I don’t use ftransform() personally, and I believe it is even deprecated So all this shader will do is place the vertices we are drawing to where *Note* All vertex shaders are called for every vertex individually. Every vertex shader, needs to have the line
Fragment Shader Source: The fragment shader needs a main function, just as the vertex shader does. But unlike a vertex shader, this is All fragment shaders must end with the line In the fragment shader, gl_FragColor will end up being GLSL has a few different types, I recommend taking a look at the And that is all there is to shaders (for now). If you have any questions, please email me at swiftless@gmail.com
Revision: 1.1
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All text is centered you should fix that.
Hey loki, I’m in the long and arduous process of fixing it actually. Hence the Version 2.0 tutorials popping up around the place. Thanks! Swiftless
When I built it, I got an error. Please help me to solve it. Thank you!
Error 5 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp____glewShaderSource C:\Users\TranHoang\Desktop\ClickingObject\GLSL_Sample\MyTest\MyTest\shader.obj MyTest
Hi swiftless,
The program didn`t run because of the memory leak when program call init function from shader.cpp .How do I fix the problem??Please help me.
I actually want to thank you for this really great tutorials. They’re actually the BEST tutorials you can find for GLSL. Thanks
Enjoy the tutorials. But I cannot get started b/c I cannot set up GLEW. I googled and a lot of people also have trouble installing GLEW. Apparently the binary from the website doesn’t work w/ VS2010 (I use Visual C++2010 Express) so ‘they’ say to recompile by downloading the source. And then this is where I get lost. It’s so confusing. I tried to compile glew.c, there are replies but I get lost. Can someone post step by step how to recompile GLEW. It’s sad to say it’s taken weeks to setup. I got freeglut going but GLEW is a headache…I’m using WIndows 7 64-bit but I’m using the 32-bit Windows SDKs b/c I had it working w/ freeglut, not the 64-bit Windows SDKs. (I downloaded 1.9.0 GLEW source code and am stuck…)
Hi jj,
You shouldn’t have to recompile anything for it to work with Visual Studio.
I’ve never had any issues with GLEW or FreeGLUT in Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012. Not even in the express editions.
If anyone has had issues (other than the regular incorrect library locations), let us know.
I had problem with glew. On a linkage stage it didn’t find some of the functions.
I fixed the problem by adding glew.c, glew.h, glxew.h, wglew.h to my project:
I’ve changed #include to #include “glew.h” in glew.c and added #define GLEW_STATIC 1 in my project’s header file:
// Include OpenGl and GLEW header files and libraries
#define GLEW_STATIC 1
#include “glew.h”
#include “wglew.h”
Then I just compiled glew as part of my project. I got lots of warning but everthing works fine.
I’m trying to follow these tutorials, they’re great so far, but I can’t read some of the text, the page is shifted right and cuts off parts of the code and text.
It seems that you don’t free the memory from your malloc. Won’t that cause a memory leak?
It seems that you don’t free the memory from your malloc. Won’t that cause a memory leak?
fix the website, because the text gets cut off on the right
Hello Swiftless,
I do have an iMac with the specs below.
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac7,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
I’m using GLSL.
I’m Rendering one Cube in my openGLContext. The texture works perfectly.
But as soon as i render a second cube then the textures devides into four on
all sides of my cube.
If I put a third cube on then the texture devides into nine etc.
Has it to do with my Mac.
Hi. Swiftless
Will your Tutorials work on my IMac
Hi SA@Space,
Without knowing which iMac model you have, I can’t comment on that sorry.
You can find out what versions of OpenGL are supported on your iMac by finding your model in this list: (they are organized by year the year they came out, and their screen size).
If you don’t know what type of iMac it is, go to the “” menu and select “About This Mac”, then click the “More Info…” button.
I had to add the following lines in the main() before the init() function to avoid getting access violation errors in VS2010:
GLenum err = glewInit();
if (GLEW_OK != err)
/* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */
fprintf(stderr, “Error: %s\n”, glewGetErrorString(err));
Make the page wider or remove the £$£@$ right side panel because I can’t read all the text since it is hidden under the right side panel.
Hi Bleppe,
I’ve had a couple of reports of this since the new theme has kicked in, I’ll be either removing the ads on the pages messing up, or making them WordPress friendly shortly.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Adding this CSS style to your page should make the text visible again. (Works with Firebug, at least):
table[width=”100%”] > tbody > tr > td > p {
width: 507px;
Great tutorials by the way! Very helpful.
Hi Atli,
Thanks for that, I haven’t tested it, but I will make a mention of it so others can test it out.
Dude seriously? bleppe said something about the tutorial not displaying correctly back in June. It is an issue of being able to see the whole tutorial.
Hi FityP,
Sorry for the inconvenience, but apart from replying to comments I haven’t had a chance to update a lot of the tutorials to match the new theme and overall the reception has been positive.
I added a quick post on a piece of CSS code another commenter provided which you should be able to use to fix the problem.
If you’d like to take on my combination of full time work and full time study while also trying to help people on here and organise a wedding, let me know and I can pass on some responsibility, because at the moment there just aren’t enough hours in a day. I should know, I’m often awake for 20 of them each day 😉
OK my bad, didn’t read the comments before putting one.
I added glewInit(); before createWindow and that solved all..
Hi Paras,
I’m glad you got it working. That is definitely something I need to add into the tutorial.
Hi Swiftless,
When I run the above code, it gets compiled but I ma getting a run time error as
Unhandled exception at 0x100081bb in swiftlessGLSL.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000000a8.
at the glutDisplayFunc(display); in main.
I am not able to find any particular way to debug this.
hi, swiftless. I can’t help but notice that the glsl tutorials are harder to follow than the other opengl tutorials. Is it because shaders are harder to understand or what?
Hi Dr Deo,
I would definitely say that there is a steeper learning curve to GLSL than to OpenGl 2.x. The learning curve for OpenGL 3/4 is probably along the lines of the learning curve to GLSL. But once you get it down pact, you will find everything just becomes easier to do.
Hey, it would be awesome if you could post an article about how to build GLEW with visual studio 2010. A few of my friends in my program had great difficulty with that, including myself.
Anyway, great tutorial, I’m looking forward to reading the rest soon.
Hi PixelStation,
I am not sure why you or your friends are trying to build GLEW with VS2010. GLEW comes in binary format (header files and libraries) all ready to use out of the box unless you specifically download the source code to build.
Do you use Visual Studio 2010? As far as I remember, the binaries available for download don’t work with VS2010, and you have to build your own. I know I had to build my own, but that was a few months ago.
That comment was a long time ago, but I believe that was the problem. The binaries were not working with VS2010. I don’t remember how I fixed it though…
@swiftless:I agree. i am using vs 2010 but i have never needed to compile any glew. 🙂
I’m trying out the code on my MacBook Pro (10.6), and it runs. The only problem is that the shader doesn’t do anything.
I know that it is successfully read – I checked in the debugger.
I tried the shader in the OpenGL Shader Builder, and it works, but not in this program. I should mention that I use SDL to set up the OpenGL context. Can it have something to do with that?
Try the newest version of shaded.cop which is available in the bump mapping tutorial. If that does not work it might be due to SDL.
Guess how I solved it?
I changed init(“shader.vert”, “shader.frag”) to init(“shoder.vert”, “shader.frag”), made a new empty line under the function call (Xcode doesn’t realize that a file has been modified if you only change a string), rebuilt, changed it back. It worked after the 5th try.
Xcode bugs are so random.
line 22 of shader.cpp: text[count] = ‘′;
what is that equal to? looks like ” but dont think that is intended.
Hey Fonix,
That is two ‘, or an empty char.
gives me an error when i try use the empty char as ”, ” works though
oh dear the html doesnt like that, ‘ \ 0 ‘ is what i tried to write
Hi, I just want to ask what exactly should this program do?
I ask because I get only black screen and when I put off the line shader.bind ,I see the red cube. Is it right or should it do something else?
It should draw a WHITE cube.
If you get a red cube, that means the (part of the) shader failed to load. Make sure you are in the correct working directory, and it should work 🙂
Do you use Xcode?
To any viewers curious about Swiftless’ thoughts on the timer function, check the “rotation” tutorial in OpenGL. To summarize, he doesn’t recommend using them, in favor of smooth renderings with no lag.
P.S. triple post? what am I doing, trying to set a record for most consecutive posts? Thank you Swiftless for the tutorials and insight, look foward to your next tutorials (apparently, shadow mapping).
I know a double post is probably frowned upon, but I was just reviewing main.cpp and got a great idea:
currently, glutDisplayFunc and glutIdleFunc both accept the display function. My idea (which I have tested) is to get rid of glutIdleFunc in favor of glutTimerFunc. Stay with me, the new function called “timer” will look like:
void timer(int value){
//I still don’t know what the input value is
glutTimerFunc(32, timer, 0);
This must therefore be complimented by another call to glutTimerFunc(32, timer, 0); in the position where glutIdleFunc(display); currently resides.
This still updates the display, but at an arbitrary value of 32 milliseconds per frame. This should save your processor from excessive work (at least on my 2GHz intel). Note this will slow the rotation, so change the line “angle += 0.01f;” in the display function to “angle += 0.5f;”. While the visual difference is minimal, the CPU work is practically gone.
I would like to thank you and apologize for the redundancy you experience with that issue (specifically, my role in it). I wasn’t sure where to place glewInit(); so I moved it around and debugged with every shift. My heart skipped a beat when I placed it right after glutCreateWindow(“A basic OpenGL Window”); in main.cpp and it successfully built the window.
To clarify, for others (from my experience):
1. Download files and set them in a project.
–Note: it appears shader.vert and shader.frag don’t even need to be in source or resource, just the project folder.
2. Add “glew32.lib” to Additional Dependencies.
–Make sure you highlight the project name and go to project>properties>config>linker>input.
3. place glewInit(); as specified above.
Thank you again for the swift reply.
I downloaded all the files and started debugging. They compile fine (after I add “glew32.lib” to additional dependencies), i just seem to constantly encounter this error message:
“Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in GLSLintro.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation.”
I am, unfortunately, not very experienced with C++, but I was hoping someone might tell me what would be causing this error.
I am using Microsoft’s Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I added the “shader.frag” and “shader.vert” files to both the “Source Files” and “Resource Files” folders. In both attempts, I was prompted to create a custom build rule for those file types, which I declined.
To expand on the error a little more, a small, green arrow points to the line “shader_vp = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);” in the Shader::init function after I click “break” in the error message. Also, the “Locals” window has the variables vsText and fsText, both which are described as “0xcccccccc “.
It’s probably something I did wrong, but any help is greatly appreciated.
Hey Mitch,
This is not a problem with your code, on Windows and Linux you need to initialize GLEW and this tutorial was built on OSX.
Add the line glewInit() in your init method, before any shader code is used and that should fix it.
When I get around to updating these tutorials, I’ll be adding that line of code.
I wish I had read this comment earlier, thought i was going mad 😉 please update your tut, swiftless! but great collection!
I am using glew-1.5.4 with this tutorial {Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7 x64}.
The above example compiles without errors but when I try to run it, exception occurs at the following location:
void Shader::init(const char *vsFile, const char *fsFile) {
shader_vp = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); <——- Exception
Looking forward for a solution,
Hey OpenGLC++,
I mention a fix for this below. You need to add the line glewInit() to your application if you are on Windows. This tutorial was written on OSX and that call isn’t required for me.
need glewInit() on ubuntu as well it seems (my friend said it was something to do with nvidia and ati cards though not 100% sure what exactly, im using an ati HD2400xt)
Hey Audrius,
You are right, if you don’t want to get caught out by null pointers for your text, which will occur if for some reason your file fails to load.
I do however expect people who come into these tutorials to have some grasp of C++ itself.
When I finally get around to rewriting these tutorials, I will work in some more error checking.
Hey, just wanted to let you know that you should probably initialize the “text” pointer, because without initializing it, most people will either crash or even worse.
I, for example, have got a habit of always initializing every pointer and always checking if it’s initialized properly (through the console like:
“std::cout << *pointer;"
I know that you know stuff like this, but it was getting a lot in my way, when I first started working with pointers and for the time being, I hope at least my comment will help a couple of people fallen for the pointer trap.)
Ohh, man, I probably have set a record on using the word "pointer" ;D
Otherwise, awesome tutorial as always!!!
my bad, this site have own forum.
I’m wondering, don’t you plan make on your site forum?
Or you think is better to use gd.net?
I ask out of curiosity…
Glad I could help Osk, I also have the GTX260 and it is a beast of a card, especially compared to the Intel GMA’s 😀
@Swiftless: ok now everything is working. You have right with adding glewInit(); before glutCreateWindow.
Thats work on my main machine (gtx260…).
Now i feel power hehe big thx
Hi Osk,
The GMA X3100 only supports OpenGL 1.5. I had the GMA 950 in one of my older laptops, and was extremely disappointed at the lack of OpenGL support.
This tutorial is for OpenGL 2.0, when GLSL shaders were integrated into the specification. You might be able to get it to work, if you switch all the shader calls to their ARB alternatives.
For example:
glCreateShader becomes glCreateShaderObjectARB.
Most of the shader calls will have ARB alternatives, and a quick search should be able to find them. If not, I can help you out, I have some old code that uses ARB extensions.
I put glewInit(); before glutCreateWindow(); and still getting the same mem leak. Thats wierd beacouse i checked a shader loader and looks fine.
But! Now i checked a gpu in computer where i’m temporary working, and it’s a GMA X3100. GPU-Z show 4 pixel shader units and 0 vertex shader unit. Do you think problem is here?
Hi Osk,
Sorry about that, I have to update the tutorial. This is because you need to call glewInit() before you make use of any extensions. So after you call glutCreateWindow, call glewInit().
That line doesn’t appear in this tutorial as it was developed on OSX where you don’t need this call.
Hi, i’ve a problem to compile (in vs 2010) a project with files from this lesson.
I’m getting memory leak when program calls a method init from shader class. Exactly in this line:
37.”shader_vp = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);”
Have You any idea what is going on?
I am also facing the same problem of memory leakage from shader class from init() function from shader.cpp class.How do I fix it?
call Initglew() below glutCreateWindow() in main() in main.cpp file