
OpenGL Framebuffer Tutorial Preview
If you want to use any type of off screen rendering process, then frame buffers are probably the go for you. They allow you to render an entire scene, directly to a texture.
  • April 22, 2010
  • 15
OpenGL Scaling Tutorial PreviewDrawing shapes is fine, moving them about is fine. But do you always want a shape to be the same size? Are all tree's the same height? Of course not. Here I will show you how to scale your 3D shapes.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 10
OpenGL Blending Tutorial PreviewColours can be mixed and matched in OpenGL, just like in real life. Here you will learn how to blend shapes using OpenGL, allowing you to overlay shapes on top of each other to get the most realism you can.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 9
OpenGL Double Buffering Tutorial PreviewWhile single buffering still displays our final image, it can cause artifacts. Double buffering lets us draw everything in a second buffer, and when finished, lets us transfer it to the screen for a smoother application.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 12
OpenGL Cube Tutorial PreviewFrom basic 2D shapes, 3D shapes are built. And whilst complex, there are some which are provided to us by GLUT, one of those being your standard cube, made up of 12 triangles and 8 vertices, why hand code it yourself?
  • March 25, 2010
  • 17
OpenGL Color Tutorial PreviewColour is one of the fundamental building blocks of a scene. Colours can be used to portray mood, realsim, fictions, intensity, or anything else. It's up to the artist, and in this case, you are the artist.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 15
OpenGL Keyboard Interaction Tutorial PreviewKeyboard interaction can be handled by the user using system API calls, but why do that when you are already using GLUT which can handle this for you? This tutorial will focus on getting and using the keyboard with the help of GLUT.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 58
OpenGL Window Reshaping Tutorial PreviewRe-shaping a window with an OpenGL context can cause undesired scaling if not done correctly. If you wish to learn how to fix this, then this tutorial is for you. Learn how to setup your projection matrix with a viewing angle and both near and far planes.
  • March 25, 2010
  • 52